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Bunion Specialist

Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists

Foot and Ankle Surgery & Podiatric Medicine located in State College, PA

A bunion is a foot deformity that causes a painful bump at the base of the big toe. Though common, many people with bunions suffer from the pain for years before seeking help. Andrew Bernhard, DPM, and Kaitlyn Bernhard, DPM,are podiatrists at Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists, recommend you schedule an appointment for your bunion before it causes any pain. Early diagnosis and treatment may prevent or delay the worsening of the foot condition. Call the office in State College, Pennsylvania, or schedule your bunion appointment online today.

Bunion Q & A

What is a bunion?

A bunion, also known as hallux valgus, is a bony bump found at the base of your big toe on the inside of your foot. 

Bunions are common, affecting one out of every three people in the United States. 

The bony bump at the base of the big toe is the most common kind of bunion. However, there are other types, including:

Congenital hallux valgus

A baby born with a bunion has a congenital hallux valgus.

Adolescent hallux valgus

If you develop a bunion during your teen years, you have adolescent hallux valgus. This type of bunion is genetic. 

Tailor’s bunionette

A Tailor’s bunionette is a bony bump that forms on the outer joint of the little toe. 

How does a bunion form?

A bunion forms from misalignment in the bones that make up the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. This joint forms the connection between the first long bone in the foot — metatarsal — and the first bone in the big toe ― phalanx.

Instead of pointing straight, the bone in the big toe leans towards the second toe, while the metatarsal bone leans toward the inside of the foot. This misalignment causes the MTP joint to enlarge and protrude, causing the bony bump.

A bunion is progressive, and the bump starts small. However, your MTP joint flexes with every step, causing the bulge to get bigger and more painful, making it harder to walk without discomfort. 

Getting care for your bunion at Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists when it first occurs may prevent or delay the painful progression of the foot deformity.

What happens during a bunion evaluation?

Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists completes a thorough evaluation when you come in for help with your bunion. Your podiatrist reviews your symptoms, medical history, and family history.

They examine your feet and take X-rays to assess the severity of your bunion.

How is a bunion treated?

Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists offers nonsurgical and surgical treatment options for painful bunion deformities, regardless of their severity.

Nonsurgical treatments include:

  • Change in footwear
  • Activity modification
  • Custom orthotics
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Icing
  • Injection therapy

If nonsurgical treatments fail to ease your painful bunion, the podiatrists at Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists may consider surgery. They use the most advanced tools and techniques for correcting bunions, including Lapiplasty® when necessary.

Lapiplasty is an innovative surgical treatment for a bunion, correcting the foot deformity.

Don’t wait for your bunion to get worse; call Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists or schedule an appointment online today.