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Ankle Arthroscopy Specialist

Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists

Foot and Ankle Surgery & Podiatric Medicine located in State College, PA

If you regularly experience ankle pain and it doesn’t improve with at-home treatment, you may be a candidate for ankle arthroscopy. At Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists, Andrew Bernhard, DPM, and Kaitlyn Bernhard, DPM, use arthroscopy to diagnose and treat various diseases and disorders that affect the ankle joint. To make an appointment, call the office in State College, Pennsylvania, or use the online booking feature today.

Ankle Arthroscopy Q & A

What is ankle arthroscopy?

Ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that diagnoses and treats issues affecting your ankle joint. 

During ankle arthroscopy, your podiatrist inserts an arthroscope –– a thin tube with a light and a high-definition camera –– through a small incision in your ankle. The camera sends real-time images to a TV monitor in the operating suite, allowing your surgeon to identify potential problems and make repairs.

Afterward, your provider removes the arthroscope, stitches up the incision, and moves you to a recovery room for observation. There’s very little risk of complications, like infection, so you don’t have to spend the night in the hospital.

What conditions can ankle arthroscopy treat?

At Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists, the providers use ankle arthroscopy to treat various conditions, including:

  • Ankle arthritis
  • Ankle instability
  • Ankle fractures
  • Ankle impingement
  • Ankle dislocation
  • Loose bodies (i.e., bone spurs or cartilage)
  • Unexplained ankle pain

You might also benefit from ankle arthroscopy if you have an ankle infection that doesn’t respond to treatment with antibiotics.

The providers at Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists perform ankle arthroscopy onsite in their state-of-the-art facilities.

Before you undergo ankle arthroscopy, let your provider know about any medications or supplements you take. Certain drugs can interfere with the anesthesia, so your provider might ask you to make adjustments.

The night before your procedure, it’s important to fast for at least 12 hours and only drink water. When you arrive at the office, you change into a hospital gown. After surgery, it takes several hours for the anesthesia to wear off, so you’ll need to have someone drive you home.

What does ankle arthroscopy involve?

Ankle arthroscopy at Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists typically takes 60-90 minutes. 

At the beginning of the procedure, your provider administers a local anesthetic, numbing your foot and ankle. Once the anesthesia sets in, they make a series of small incisions near your ankle joint and carefully insert the arthroscope through them.

The arthroscope allows your surgeon to see your ankle joint and the surrounding tissues. They can insert special surgical tools through the arthroscope and remove diseased or damaged tissue or make repairs. 

After the surgery, your provider removes the arthroscope and surgical tools, closes your incision, and moves you to a recovery room.

What is recovery like after ankle arthroscopy?

After ankle arthroscopy, it’s essential to elevate your foot and get plenty of rest. Ice your ankle for the first 24 hours and take your medication as prescribed. As your body begins healing, it’s important to enroll in physical therapy. 

Physical therapy teaches you stretches and strengthening exercises that help support your ankle and speed up your body’s healing process. During your recovery, visit Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists regularly. Your provider monitors your progress over the course of treatment and makes adjustments as necessary. 

To learn more about the benefits of ankle arthroscopy, make an appointment at Tussey Mountain Foot & Ankle Specialists by calling the office or using the online scheduling feature today.